Monthly Archives: January 2014

JUNIORS – Social Butterfly

One of the key aspects to Girl Scouts is having the girls learn many life-long useful skills, such as leadership, planning and organization. Meetings, regardless of age, should be “Girl Led” to the degree each level is capable. By the time a girl is a Junior, grades 4 and 5, they are pretty much on their way to running (or attempting to) the show.

Our troop leadership decided to do this by breaking the Junior-level of our troop into groups, based on the number of badges we planned to earn this year…our goal being by the time they bridge, they have earned every badge available. We assigned one leader to each girl team, for guidance and supervision. The girls then run with it.

We had spent the first half of the year working through a complete Journey so our last meeting was our first scheduled “Girl Led” meeting. We started with Social Butterfly, being coordinated and led by a team of three girls. In order to fit the whole badge into the time alotted, the team decided to break the badge work into stations and then have the rest of the troop rotate through.

The first station was during snack time – We had a fancy snack and worked on table manners and small talk. Each girl was sent home with a laminated place mat that shows 3 degrees of formality, of a properly set table. We hope this will be a good resource for years to come.


Planning a Special Occasion – During their time at this station the girls planned an event through a series of questions on a questionnaire. We had 6 pre-chosen events and the girls each blindly chose one, so not everyone was fighting over what would be easiest or more fun. Then they got to create a skit showing the event they planned…complete with a treasure trove of props from our dress up boxes!



Holding a Conversation – In this station the girls learned a little more about small talk and the nice vs. rude way to interrupt/interject in a conversation, through a game aptly named “Interruption”. They also learned the power of words through “The Toothpaste Game”. This game was great because they had a girl squeeze toothpaste out of a tube then her partner had 1 minute to try to get all the toothpaste back in the tube. The toothpaste was symbolic of the words coming out of your mouth and the inability to put the toothpaste back in the tube is symbolic of just that…once the words are out, you can’t take them back! So, be cognizant of what you say! It was a messy, but really fun one that they all enjoyed.



Saying Thank You – Sometimes we forget how important it is to say THANK YOU and how impactful this simple gesture can be. This was a craft station where the girls made paper flowers as flowers are always a good way to say thank you, to a host/hostess or someone for doing something nice. They were colorful and very beautiful.





The GIRL LED series looks to be great. It’s going to be fantastic leadership experience for everyone (and a nice break for the leaders…haha).

IT’S GS COOKIE TIME!! – loaded up and ready to sell

This is what loading up 604 cases of Girl Scout Cookies looks like!

First they start on pallets in a “warehouse” type location.


Then it takes many hands, and carts, to load into a large enclosed trailer! Thanks AGAIN to Tor at Hayward Ranch Outfitters for the use of his trailer!!


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A few super smiley girl helpers and some of our SUPER STAR leaders and Cookie Moms sure make the work go quickly! Also, if you look closely you can see our AMAZING dad helpers, for whom we are MOST thankful, Dave and Gerald!!

So, it is now official…………



Managing money and SHOPPING!


Our most recent troop meeting had all three levels working towards their financial literacy badges. Daisies spent the meeting learning to recognize, count and remember denominations of money while the Junior and Brownie levels both went on seperate field trips.

Brownies went to one of our local Walgreens locations to continue learning about how to budget and what things cost on their lists. They shopped for school supplies and grocery-type items. The girls were pretty good about shopping for deals and looking for cheaper items! They really wanted to make the most of their budgets.

Juniors went to one of our local City Market locations (all photos are from this trip), where a manager from the store talked to them about marketing and product layout. They discussed how good displays attract shoppers’ attention. They looked for slogans and watched how customers pick out items. When they got around to the bakery they even got a fresh baked treat!







BIG THANKS to Walgreens and City Market for hosting us and having such nice, approachable staff while we wondered the stores!!


Across the nation, little red wagons have been pulled out of storage and dusted off. Uniforms have been cleaned and pressed. Smiles have been plastered to sparkling little girl faces. You know what time it is?




Girl Scout cookie season has started!! In some parts of the country, girls are already selling. Here in Colorado, the first day is January 26th. So, keep on the lookout in your area. Get your pocketbooks ready and support the largest Girl Lead Business in the WORLD!!

Daisies earn Light Green Petal – Considerate and Caring


Before the Holiday break our girls started working towards their Light Green Petal. This petal symbolizes being Considerate and Caring. We started the petal by creating Christmas cards for all 78 residents of Mantey Heights Rehabilitation and Care Center, which we were informed were hand delivered on Christmas Day. To complete the petal, we took a visit to Mantey Heights. It was a lovely field trip with a few surprises.


When we arrived at Mantey Heights, we were escorted to the dining room where about 10 ladies were sitting around a long table. Each had an open chair next to them and our girls were asked to sit. Each girl was given a fancy hat to wear, made by the ladies, for an impromptu tea (well…punch and cookies) party. The girls were also given a small goodie bag. After chatting and showing amazing social etiquette, considering they are 5-7yrs old…our girls recited the GS Promise and Law and it was really fun to see the smiles on the ladies’ faces when some of them recognized (some) of the Promise….eventhough it has changed since they were all young girls.

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We were then treated to a tour of the facility and ventured into one residence room to see how “homey” some of the clients make their space with photos and art work. We got to see the pets of the place, including a blind bunny named Sheldon. The girls all got to pet, Sheldon.




It is amazing how much young people can make the elderly smile and we are really glad we got to give that to them today.

Special thanks to Ruth for giving us the tour and the ladies with whom we were able to share company….it was very CONSIDERATE AND CARING of you! 🙂