Category Archives: Investiture

2214 Daisies ❤️ Bracelets

While participating in today’s meeting & Investiture our Troop Leader had a fun craft for the girls – daisy bracelets!

 Last week the girls colored the daisies and over the weekend Mrs D. worked her magic to prep their their art for wrist wear. 

Today, the girls received their artwork back along with beads and pipe cleaner to create their masterpieces.

You can see the sweetly colored daisy 🌸 

And our hardworking artists enjoying the sun created their masterpieces. 

Our end product was done just in time for group photos and Investiture. What a great day to be a Daisy ♥️

Investiture 2015


Investiture and Re-Dedication is a ceremony we do every year.  It is a time for us to get together with ALL our girls (from both troops) and celebrate the beginning of another troop year.  It is a time for older girls to share traditions with younger/new girls.




Our ceremony includes a promise and recitation by leaders, readings by girls and some “unity” symbolism using ribbon and rope, where we add pieces of ribbon to a rope, year over year, showing the girls they continue to be part of something BIGGER!

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Always a lovely ceremony!  Check out our sister blog to see our BIG girls at work being Sisters to Every Girl Scout!

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It’s a new year and one of our very first events is always an Investiture/Rededication ceremony.  Our local council office has a beautiful backyard area that we always book, way in advance, so we have this event on our troop calendar early on.  This year was no exception.


As we are a huge multi-level troop we need to have quite a few leaders to adhere to safety ratios.  We are fortunate to have 10 trained leaders.  Because of this we also assign one annual event to each leader/team of leaders to plan and execute.  Investiture is always co-leader D’s baby!


The general ceremony always remains the same.  It focuses on the Girl Scout Promise and Law and usually has a “take away” the troop can use to visually see their commitment.  We have used candles and made rainbow colored paper chains but this year’s idea was especially (in this writer’s opinion) beautiful!  D had a long piece of rope that was held by the girls as they stood in a circle.  When their time came, each girl added a piece of colored ribbon to the rope.  It’s really pretty.  Even better, we will continue to add pieces of ribbon year after year, as our girls grow and as new girls join our troop.  It’s a really nice visual reminder that the girls are equal parts of a whole and equal parts of a shared history!



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We also use this event, since we always require they be in full uniform for this ceremony, to take our troop photos for the year.  These eventually get printed into our thank you cards given to everyone who helps our troop in some way during the year!

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And our sister scouts from CADETTE  Troop 10065

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Investiture 2013


The official description on Investiture and Rededication, if you were to inquire with Girl Scouts is always something along the lines of:
“An investiture is a ceremony to welcome new girls or adults into Girl Scouting. It is a very meaningful step in the life of each person as she becomes active in Girl Scouts for the first time.

A rededication is a ceremony for girls and adults who have already been invested. It is a time for them to reaffirm their belief in the Girl Scout Promise and Law and to reflect upon the meaning of Girl Scouting in their lives. Usually it is held at the beginning of each Girl Scout year.

Because of the importance of these events, a beautiful and meaningful ceremony should be planned and carried out. Many troops/groups have a joint investiture and rededication ceremony each year.”

Due to the size and makeup of our troop, this is exactly what we do. This year the ceremony was organized by Co-Leader, Deedra.








Juniors partner with their Daisy buddies, since a lot of time Kinders can’t really read, and Brownies read each line of the law and what it meant to them. We then “link” all the lines of the law together and as a whole group (leaders included) rededicated ourselves to the mission of carrying out the work we just read. The girls light candles and sing “Make New Friends” to conclude the ceremony. It tends to be very moving!




As this is a special and somewhat “official” event, this is our first FULL UNIFORM event of the year. So, we take advantage and use it as an opportunity to take our “formal” troop photos. We take them for each troop level as well as a whole troop photo. Last year, our troop photo was used on the official Thank You card for our Council’s big fundraising event.

Check out their fingers…gotta throw the 2214 every chance we can 🙂

In addition to some of the Co-leaders, we would like to send special thanks to moms Amy F. and Chrissy W. for taking photos.