Category Archives: garden

Daisies – Work to “Make the World a Better Place”


At a recent meeting, our Daisies continued reading about the Amazing Daisy in their journey book, and discussing how each of the flower friends matches up with a line in the Girl Scout Law. The girls used this discussion to review their Take Action Project.  They have been planning to ‘Make The World A Better Place’ by planting tulip bulbs in the school garden (planted a couple of years ago by then-Daisies in our troop and now maintained by the whole troop on different occasions). This project-garden works especially well with the Daisy journeys.

The group talked about how their bulbs will bloom in spring to make the garden more beautiful for everyone at school to enjoy. With the leaders, they discussed how the girls are living the Girl Scout Law with their project. The girls then split into two groups to plant and water their bulbs, earning the Golden Honey Bee Award.

Each Daisy had a chance to decide which flower friend in the story she most wants to be like, and color a picture of that flower. While one group worked outside (on the coldest day we have had yet this year…Brrrrr!), one group colored.  Then they switched.

To end their meeting, they talked about how the girls would like to celebrate completing their planting project- and the Daisies chose a Garden Party!  We now can’t wait for SPRING!!!

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