Monthly Archives: January 2017

Are You Ready For Cookie Sales?

Our Daisies are getting ready and excited for Cookie sales! Since we’ve come back from winter break our focus has been financial literacy. We will earn patches AND be ready to sell cookies! 


During our first meeting we created signs for our cookie sale booths. Stay tuned for details on these! 

Our second meeting we learned about what coins look like. We did a couple hands on activities that were super fun!

One game had the girls separating coins into cups & taught teamwork.

Next we talked about the cost of things we want to do – and what we can do for free. 

In our third session we learned more about money. The girls also had a chance to practice public speaking (in front of each other) & we talked about what we are going to say to people when we are selling cookies. We spent time talking about the difference between wants & needs. We are all clear that Girl Scout cookies are a NEED! ❤


Don’t forget that cookie sales start NEXT Saturday! You can create an online store very easily. If you didn’t get an email contact a leader for more information. 

Cookies are out and we are so thankful to our leaders who run this piece of our business! 

And the Little Ladies who learn SO much about business and esteem – here are three at a local booth: